Shipping cost will dependontheweightoftheorderandthedestinationcountries. wewillquoteyouthedetailshippingcostwhenreceive yourorder.
Usually we declare the goodsasSAMPLEorGIFTSandunderestimatethevaluefor the goods when we shipthemtoyou,soyoudon'thave topay thecustoms taxor only pay a little forit.
Buyer responses for (incase)alltaxorVATunderanycircumstances.Wewilldo ourbesttominimumtherisk.However,thefinal decision is yourcountry'sCustoms.
Discount policy?
Discount 4% when your order amount over $1000.USD;
Discount 8% when your order amount over $2000.USD;
Discount 12% when your order amount over $5000.USD;
More than order over 10,000. USD, Please contact us with your detail order to negotiate and arrange produce and lead time etc.
Tips: Total amount exclude shipping cost.
5.Payment Methods ?
Usually we accept Pay via PayPal , Western Union and Bank Transfer (T/T).
1. PayPal : Pls notice us after you send payment to our PayPal account.
2. Western Union :PlsgivetheMTCN(MoneyTransferControlNumber),sendername, receivernameafteryoudonethepayment.We willgo to getthe paymentand ship thegoodstoyouASAP.
3. Bank Transfer (T/T):Plssenduscopyofthebanktransferconfirmationaccessory afteryoudonethepayment,thenwecouldarrangeyour goods inadvancebeforereceiveyourpaymentinourbankaccount.
Note: Customer need pay all the bank charges.
6.Transport (Fast delivery for wholesale from China
We use FedEx, DHL,andUPS...,fromChinatomajordestinationslikeUS,Europe, Australia,etc.onlytakes 2to5days.Forbulk order,youcanselect air freightorseafreight,Theyarecheaper.
For more details pls directly visite our Matejewelry online store.